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Under the Sycamore Tree

You have heard of a bird’s eye view, and a worm’s eye view. Now we give you an ant’s eye view. This play is meant to be fun, but there is also a solid content to it which will not escape you. If you should find some presentation surprising who is to say that he...


Little Eyolf

Little Eyolf is the most subtle and elusive of all Ibsen’s plays. Henry James’ criticism of the ‘happy ending’ is not substantiated in performance. In this act Ibsen achieved what he intended, to reveal the interior of the human soul in which we all love has died – so that in rita’s words, all that...


The American Dream

The play is an examination of the American Scene, an attack on the substitution of artifical for real values in our society, a condemnation of complacency, cruelty, emasculation and Vacuity; it is a stand against the fiction that everything in this slipping land of ours is peachy-keen.