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The Crucible

Miller used the tale of the infamous witchcraft trials that had been held in Salem, Massachusetts during the late 17th century to illustrate the devastation that can be wreaked on the innocent by the misuse of one or more of these forces. The hysteria that occurred in Salem after a series of events that appeared...


Rookery Nook

Welcome to a holiday in Chumpton, the sea-side paradise where two big chumps and other assorted idiots will attempt to show you the joys of complete political incorrectness. This theatre is a package tour-, seat-belt-, deep vein thrombosis-free area! Have fun!



Out of chaos comes order, at least so we like to think, when as poets we take random lumps of experience and shape them with words into some sort of coherence; when as managers we take scruffy little units of productivity and mould them into teams of efficiency and corporate loyalty; when as politicians we...


Children of the Poor

Although this play was written in the 1980s by the late Mervyn Thompson and is a theatrical interpretation of John A Lee�s controversial novel (1934) of the same name, the issues raised within the text are deeply political and humanistic in a way that transcends historical time and place and make them as relevant today...


As You Like It

As You Like It is a romantic comedy. At its centre is the romantic issue that just refuses to go away – love. The play begins with tyranny, uncertainty, fear and threats os summary punishment. But loove conquers all, as the say. Even the trees in the Forest of Arden are smitten with love poems,...


A Dolls House

A Doll’s House was first published in December 1879 and was produced at the Theatre Royal, Copenhagen three weeks later. Even now, its tale of a woman, Nora, who steps so resolutely outside the conventions of society, has the power to raise eyebrows, if not the hackles it raised when first produced. This is a...


Hay Fever

The action of the play takes place in just one weekend, in the country in the home of what today might almost be called a dysfunctional family. Mother is a ‘resting’ actress, father a successful novelist, son a would-be artist and daughter a teenager who does nothing but knows it all. Each, unknown to the...

The Cherry Orchard (2000)

The Cherry Orchard (2000)

A production set specifically in Dunedin\’s Globe theatre, which acts as a metaphor of sorts for the cherry orchard.