A Dolls House

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A Doll’s House was first published in December 1879 and was produced at the Theatre Royal, Copenhagen three weeks later. Even now, its tale of a woman, Nora, who steps so resolutely outside the conventions of society, has the power to raise eyebrows, if not the hackles it raised when first produced. This is a story of conflict, of societal pressures, of personal tragedies – and growth. Told baldly, it is the stuff of melodrama; told well, as penned by Ibsen, it is an absorbing documentation of a journey from childhood through a painful, albeit belated maturing into adulthood. The Doll’s House is initially a refuge, a childish haven but it shrinks as Nora grows until it becomes her prison. She must decide whether to stay inside, safe but increasingly restricted, or to break free into the uncertain coldness outside

Cast and crew


Brian Beresford


Torvald Helmer - Andrew Patterson
Nora - Vivienne Aitken
Dr Rank - Harry Love
Nls Krogstad - Geoff Lambourne
Mrs Linde - Marie Nichterlein
The Helmer Children - Abby Aitken
The Helmer Children - Eve Aitken
The Helmer Children - Natassja Jorkwski
Anna Marie - Kay Thompson
Helena - Katherine Beresford


Stage Mamanger - Christine Hurst
Lighting/Sound - Lyndon Hood
Set Design - Brian Beresford
Set Construction & Painting - Brian Beresford
Set Construction & Painti - Harry Love
Set Construction & Painti - Christine Hurst
Set Construction & Painti - Robert Aitken
Wardobe - Charlotte Handley
Wardobe - Katie Roxborogh
Wardobe - Roz McKechnie
Wardobe - Alison Finigan
Poster Design - Kathryn Madill
Publicity - Rosemary Beresford
Publicity - Lynne Keen
Properties - Andrew Cook
Properties - Penny Love
Production Manager - Penny Love
Photographer - Jessica Little
Front of House - Rosemary Beresford