Rookery Nook

Home / Rookery Nook

Welcome to a holiday in Chumpton, the
sea-side paradise where two big chumps and other assorted idiots will attempt to show you the joys of complete political incorrectness.

This theatre is a package tour-, seat-belt-, deep vein thrombosis-free area!

Have fun!

Cast and crew


Louise Petherbridge


Gertrude Twine - Juliet Clark
Mrs Leveret - Mary Greet
Harold Twine - John Morss
Clive Popkiss - Ryan O’Kane
Gerald Popkiss - Chris Horlock
Rhoda Marley - Hannah August
Putz - Chris Summers
Admiral Juddy - Donald Hope Evans
Poppy Dicky - Katherine Beresford
Clara Popkiss - Christine Tongue
Mrs Possett - Roz McKechnie


Stage Manager - Christine Hurst
Stage Manager - Emily Ross
Lighting Design - Lyndon Hood
Lighting/Sound Operation - Ben Vickers
Lighting/Sound Operation - Jaoa Quina
Photographer - Reg Graham
Set Design/Construction - Andrew Cook
Set Painting - Andrew Cook
Set Painting - John Campbell
Set Painting - Fran Hackshaw
Set Painting - Christine Hurst
Set Painting - Murray Robertson
Set Painting - Louise Petherbridge
Wardrobe - Roz McKechnie
Poster Design - Kathryn Madill
Publicity - Rosemary Beresford
Publicity - Lynne Keen
Properties - Ngaire Sprague
Front of House - Alison Finigan