Othello (1961)

Home / Othello (1961)


Cast and crew


Rosalie Carey
Patric Carey


Roderigo - John Park
Iago - Maurice O’Reilly
Brabantio - Aubrey Stephens
Othello - Ern Joyce
Cassio - David Mitchell
The Duke of Venice - David Delaney
Dresdemona - Heather Douglas
Emilia - Betty Hardie
Montano - Richard Manning
Bianca - Beverley Pollock
Lodovico - Tudor Bostock
A Gentleman - Murray Smart
Senators - John Fairmaid
Senators - Victor O’Leary


Stage Management - Doreen Ives
Stage Management - John Park
Stage Management - Patricia Bell
Stage Management - Diane Marshall
Stage Management - Nancy Egan
Costumes - Ailsa McKinlay