As You Like It

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As You Like It is a romantic comedy. At its centre is the romantic issue that just refuses to go away – love.

The play begins with tyranny, uncertainty, fear and threats os summary punishment. But loove conquers all, as the say. Even the trees in the Forest of Arden are smitten with love poems, pinned by Orlando on their barks.

Cast and crew


David Corballis


Adam - Jim Conradson
Orlando de Boys - Ryan O’Kane
Oliver de Boys - Jonathan McDowell
Dennis - Brian Kilkelly
Charles - Aaron Bowie
Rosalind - Christine Gibbs
Celia - Jessica Little
Touchstone - Vincent Wong
Le Beau - Michael Andrewes
Duke Frederick - Brian Beresford
Duke Senior - Michael Andrewes
Melancholy Jaques - Lincoln Brown
Amiens - Vincent Wong
Lords - Brian Kilkelly
Lords - Jonathan McDowell
Corin - Harry Love
Silvius - Keith Paterson
Audrey - Sarah Garland
Phebe - Katherine Beresford
William - Dan Madill
Page 1 - Alex So’oula
Page 2 - Philip Riley
Jacques de Boyes - Dan Madill