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Artist Descending a Staircase is a darkly comedic murder mystery that examines the nature of love, art and perception itself with typical Tom Stoppard flare. Prepare for an absurd whodunnit, with a side of how-do-we-even-know-what-we-think-we-know-about-what-we-know. To learn more about the production, please read the audition pack here. A link to the audition form, which is...


Our final production of 2023: the Christmas pantomime, Peter Pan! On stage 30 November – 10 December, written by Alex Jackson, directed by Zac Henry, and with musical direction from Tobias Devereux, this pantomime is sure to be a spectacular time in the theatre for the whole family. This production is open to all ages,...

The Glass Menagerie

The Glass Menagerie

By Tennessee WilliamsDirector: Joseph Cecchi One of the very first Globe productions (1961), this classic American play opens The Globe’s 60th Anniversary Season. This drama is a tour de force about love, bitterness and abandonment. With the Great Depression as the background of the play, its true tragedy is the isolation people feel when they...


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