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The Night of the Iguana

Over a long night, spinster Hannah and ex-minister Lawrence Shannon form a strong bond that dies out in a slow, tragic ending.


Hamlet (1958)

Hamlet is an actor’s play, and only comes to life when acted. It was written for the finest acting platform in the history of theatre, and for what must have been fine actors. Insurmountable problems in the study and proscenium theatre disappear on the apron stage. The natural growth or theme and charcterisation is not...


I’m talking about Jerusalem

Every modern epoch seems to produce a small number of artists whose work provides society with an antidote to the awareness of its exhaustion. In Britain today it is Wesker, the romantic, whose romanticism transmutes even disillusion into an act of affirmation. His palys shame us into admitting the loss of emotion and the abdication...