Hamlet (1958)

Home / Hamlet (1958)

Hamlet is an actor’s play, and only comes to life when acted. It was written for the finest acting platform in the history of theatre, and for what must have been fine actors. Insurmountable problems in the study and proscenium theatre disappear on the apron stage. The natural growth or theme and charcterisation is not retared by act and scene breaks. Shakespeare wrote for predominantly illiterate audience with a keen response to the music of the spoken word, and actors, whoe personality and advice must have influenced his work. In this production we have tried to dispense with scenery, trick lighting and effects, and to use the personality of the actors, keeping in mind that “the plays the thing.” This production was rehearsed at 104 London St but staged in Burns Hall

Cast and crew


Rosalie Carey
Patric Carey


Bernardo - Ray Warwood
Francisco - Ian Ralston
Marcellus - Jack Murrell
Horatio - Brian Muir
Ghost - Ron Garman
Claudius - Norman McKinlay
Voltemand - John More
Cornelius - Aubrey Stephens
Laertes - Douglas Drury
Polonius - Douglas Dall
Hamlet - Reg Graham
Gertrude - Barbara Manton
Gertrude - Betty Hardie
Osric - Grant Tilly
Ophelia - Jenepher Harty
Ophelia - Joy Rowlatt
Reynaldo - Eric Herd
Rosencrantz - Jack Murrell
Guildenstern - Ian Ralston
1st Player - Ron Garman
2nd Player - Keith Muir
3rd Player - Eric Herd
4th Player - Ralph Knowles
5th Player - Michael Andrewes
A Captain - Ray Warwood
Fortinbras - Michael Gill
Fortinbras - Eric Herd
Grave Diggers - John More
Grave Diggers - Aubrey Stephens
Grave Diggers - Michael Andrewes
Soldiers - James McNeill
Soldiers - Bob Faris
Soldiers - Bill Swales
Soldiers - Ray Warwood
Soldiers - Ian Ralston
Soldiers - Jack Murrell
Ladies in Waiting - Alison Elson
Ladies in Waiting - Joyce Shepherd
Ladies in Waiting - Jean McKinlay
Ladies in Waiting - Anne De Roo
Ladies in Waiting - Natalie Ellis
Ladies in Waiting - Edith Mercier
Ladies in Waiting - Beverley Knox
Pages - Nigel McNeil
Pages - Clive McNeil


Music compsed & arranged by - Nigel Eastgate
Trumpets - Ken Smith
Trumpets - Ray Cox
Trumpets - Finlay Forbes
Oboe - Peter Platt
Recorders - Nigel Eastgate
Violins - R Harbour
Violins - G E Boardman
Violas - Laughton Harris
Violas - S Slater
Text Adviser - Alan Horsman
Costumes designed by - Rodney Kennedy
Costumes made by - Alison Elson
Costumes made by - Betty Usher
Costumes made by - Doreen Harty
Costumes made by - Jean McKinlay
Costumes made by - Jean Warwood
Costumes made by - Pamela Pow
Costumes made by - Ailsa Stephens
Costumes made by - Edith Mercier
Costumes made by - Anne De Roo
Costumes made by - Helen Aldridge
Wardrobe Mistress - Betty Usher
Armour Construction - Joyce Shepherd
Fabric Dyeing - Anne De Roo
Organisation - Rosalie Carey
Stage Management - James McNeill
Stage Management - Bob Faris
Assissted by - Elsie McNeil
Assissted by - Meryl Faris
Publicity - Brian Wise
Publicity - Mary Latta
Programme Design - Grant Tilly
Book Holders - Joyce Shepherd
Book Holders - Heather Douglas
Book Holders - Jean Warwood
Book Holders - Beverley Pollock
Production Secretary - Betty Hardie