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Night Must Fall

Night Must Fall is widely regarded as the forerunner of a number of stage and screen plays featuring psychopaths. I suppose you could describe Dan, played originally in London by the author himself, as Hannibal Lecter in a bell-boy’s pillbox hat. A review of the play in 1935 was headlined “A study is scizophrenia.” Later...


The Merchant of Venice (1999)

The action takes place in the streets of Venice, at Portias house at Belmont (some distance from Venice), outside Shylocks house and in the Venetian Court circa 1597.

Terminal Guilt

Terminal Guilt

A bleak yet intriguing depiction of what New Zealand’s own justice system might become in the future. It takes place in a New Zealand prison at a time when a right-wing party has forced the government to re-introduce capital punishment.



A group of wanderers looking for shelter break into an abandoned theatre. To pass time after dinner, but also to appease the spirits of the place, they start telling stories – these stories, of course, make up the story of Woyzeck, a poor wandering soldier oppressed and used by the poeple around him.