A bleak yet intriguing depiction of what New Zealand’s own justice system might become in the future. It takes place in a New Zealand prison at a time when a right-wing party has forced the government to re-introduce capital punishment.
Cast and crew
Nigel EnsorCast
David Habgood - Glen LoweMaurice Fenwick - Chris Summers
Tom Withnall - Nigel Ensor
Laura Downes - Jackie Smith
Ann Habgood - Tasha Wakefield
Stella Fagan - Janice Snowden
Jack Macauley - Andrew May
Roland Gorman - Doug Leggett
Stage Manager - Val EnsorAssistant Manager - Miriam Rask
Production Manager - Joss Depree
Lighting - Russell Depree
Wardrobe - Charlotte Handley
Set / Props - Russell Depree
Front of House / Programmes - Diana Flanagan