Winter Sunday Series 2 – Sherlock Holmes: The Speckled Band

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Winter Sunday Series 2 – Sherlock Holmes: The Speckled Band


Our first in this series of readings, Counting Icebergs, was very well received with those attending staying on after the show chatting over afternoon tea. That is the convivial atmosphere that we like to see at the Globe! The second of our three rehearsed readings is next month. The Speckled Band is one of the most popular Sherlock Holmes stories, adapted for the stage by Ted Nye, with additional material by Brian Beresford, who will also direct the play reading. The cast comprises Matthew Scadden, Dave Keen, Lynne Keen, Anisha Hensley and Chris Summers, with Brian Beresford as narrator.

A young woman named Helen Stoner fears that her life is being threatened by her stepfather, Dr Roylott, the impoverished last survivor of an aristocratic but violent family. Helen’s twin sister had died almost two years earlier, shortly before she was to be married. Helen had heard her sister’s dying words, “The speckled band!” but was unable to decode their meaning. Helen herself is now engaged, and she has begun to hear strange noises and observe strange activities around the family estate. Holmes takes up the case.

Cast and crew


Brian Beresford