Three Sisters (1962)

Home / Three Sisters (1962)

A play concerned with human beings as they really are. There are no heroes or heroines, villains or comedians, only people. They lived in Russia, seventy years ago, in a small town neither bigger nor better than the one we live in. We call their lives a play because of our desire to tabulate what we cannot understand and so ignore it, under the pretence of being educated.

Cast and crew


Brian Teviotdale
Rosalie Carey
Patric Carey


Prozorov, Andrey Serghyee - Trevor Peters
Natasha - Barbara Casserley
Olga - Rosalie Carey
Masha - Eve Durning
Irene - Maureen Edwards
Koolyghin - Ian Hudson
Vershinin - Barrie Sundborn
Toozenbach - Christopher Thompson
Soliony - Peter Clare
Chebutykin - Patric Carey
Fedotic - John Coster
Rode - Clive Bayliss
Ferapont - James Gwynne
Anfisa - Joy Stoneman
A Maid - Irene Kennedy


Lighting - Neil Walker
Costume - Mary Ramsay
Costume - Rae McSkimming
Costume - Lee Bennetts
Costume - K J Edwards
Stage Manager - Irene Kennedy