The Middlemarch Singles Ball

Home / The Middlemarch Singles Ball

The Middlemarch Singles Ball has been running for many years. Famous in New Zealand, and even overseas, it was initiated to help lonely Middlemarch farmers find wives.
However, this year the committee has a problem. Tickets for the Ball have all been sold but, as the organisers discover to their horror, all the ‘singles’ who are coming are female. It seems that previous Balls have been so successful that there are no longer any Middlemarch farmers who are looking for wives. But the town needs the money – for a new roof for the bowls club and a better (rat-free) kitchen for its community hall – so the Ball must go on. There is only one thing for it – the organisers have to find single males. Unfortunately the only men they can find who are willing to come are from Auckland – and are not exactly farmers…

Cast and crew


Keith Scott


Phyllis - Sarah Tregonning
Greg - Dale Neill
Jack - Warren Chambers
Rob - Brook Bray


Stage Manager - Christine Johnstone
Set Design - Keith Scott
Set Construction - Don Knewstubb
Set Construction - Ray Fleury
Sound - Phillip Todd
Light/sound Operation - Alexandra Ross
Wardrobe - Sofie Welvaert
Photography - Sofie Welvaert
Poster - Ellie Swann
Properties - Christine Johnstone
Assistant SM - Laniet Swann
Set Mural - Brian Beresford
Publicity - Roslyn Nijenhuis