
Home / Rita

Rita and her hen-pecked husband Beppo, live “happily” in a little Swiss inn with their manservant, Bartolo, until a sea-faring stranger arrives.

Cast and crew


Effie Cockburn


Dramatic Readings Introduced by - Kathleen Dawson
Rita - Ann Naziris
Bepo - Stan Forbes
Bartolo - Noel Davie
Gaspara - Les Cleveland


Musical Director - Ian Page
Pianist - Richard Warnock
Designer - Ashley Newman
Stage Manager - Tony Borick
Assistant Manager - Bruce Dixon
Assistant Manager - Arthur Nazaris
Costuming - Isobel Levings
Costuming assisted by - Mary Dixon
Costuming assisted by - Rosemary Foster
Lighting and Sound Technician - David Cockburn
Set Construction - Ken Woods
Properties - Marie Aubin
Programmes and Posters - Nanette McMillan
Programmes and Posters - Adele Telfer
Publicity - Mary Dixon