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“The Sequestration of Lady Stomp’s Super Sixpenny Stamp”

Cast and crew


Barry Dorking
Brian Beresford


Parts One & Two: - The Rev. Ian MacArthur
Parts One & Two: - Robert Tucker
Parts One & Two: - Rhys Latton
Parts One & Two: - Emily Duncan
Parts One & Two: - Cedric MacArthur
Parts One & Two: - Jimmie Clegg
Lady Cecily Stomp - Janice Snowden
Clarabel - Katherine Beresford
Ruby May - Jean Dodd
Theophilus Ignatius Tread - Mark Neilson
Rev. Peregrine Parrit-Smi - Lyndon Hood


Stage Manager - Andrew Cook
Stage Manager - H-J Kilkelly
Lighting Design - Lyndon Hood
Lighting Operation - Ben Vickers
Wardrobe - Roz McKechnie
Wardrobe - Gwenda Pippen
Poster Design - Brian Beresford
Photography - Kazuki Takmine
Front of House - Murray Robertson
Front of House - Alison Finigan
First Night Supper - David Manley