Flowers of the Earth

Home / Flowers of the Earth

Tonight we hope to recapture for you the graciousness of a former age. The material for the programme is not only drawn from the Edwardian era, but ranges from sixteenth century works to the present day. In fact, some of the poetry and music are by comtemporary wroters. The emphasis is on style, not chronology, and the style is ‘in the Edwardian manner.’

Cast and crew


Natalie Ellis


Poetry - Robyn Butler
Poetry - Natalie Ellis
Poetry - Philip Gaze
Poetry - Colin Gibson
Songs - Kathleen Dawson
Songs - Ganrielle Sheenan
Spinnet - Frank Eavis
Flute - Jane Dawson


Music Overseer - Peter Adams
Stage Manager - Graeme Smith
Production Secretary - Alix Bolton
Lighting and sound - Bill Gaze
Wardrobe - Charmian Smith
Publicity - Peter Adams
Publicity - Leigh Cane
Setting & Picture hanging - Pat Griffin
Setting & Picture hanging - Graeme Smith