Daughters of Heaven (2005)

Home / Daughters of Heaven (2005)

In Christchurch 1954, Pauline Parker and friend Juliet Hulme killed Pauline’s mother Honora Riper. While nothing can excuse what happened 50 years ago in this nice, middle-class neighbourhood of Christchurch, Foster’s play attempts to explain it, without creating a simple ‘good versus evil’ scenario. While Daughters of Heaven might seem to be more suited for hell than heaven, Forster’s play and Anderson’s production enables us to see beyond the ‘what’ happened and into the ‘why.’

Cast and crew


Corey Anderson


Juliet Hulme - Prue Clark
Pauline Parker - Jackie Winchester
Bridget O'Malley - Hannah August
Hilda Hulme - Jo Munro
Dr Henry Hulme - Stuart Mathieson
Honora Mary Rieper - Jannah Carlos Torr
Herbert Rieper - Brian Kilkelly
Alan Brown, Crown Prosecu - Richard Carlos Torr
Terrence Gresson, Defence - Brian Kilkelly
Walter Perry - Edward Ostrer
Dr Reginald Medlicott - Edward Ostrer
Justice Adams - Stuart Mathieson
Police Detective - Richard Carlos Torr
Police Matron - Jannah Carlos Torr
Prison Officer - Stuart Mathieson


Set Design - Corey Anderson
Set Construction - Andrew Cook
Set Construction - Jeffrey Vaughan
Technical Design - Corey Anderson
Techinical Operator - Fran Hackshaw
Wardrobe - Roz McKechnie
Stage manager - Andrew Cook
Stage Assistant - Jeffrey Vaughan
Set Recording - John Cook
Publicity - Brian Kilkelly
Publicity - Brian Beresford
Publicity - Roslyn Nijenhuis
Photography - Reg Graham
Front of House - Alison Finigan
Front of House - Murray Robertson