Beggars Opera

Home / Beggars Opera


Cast and crew


Louise Petherbridge
Brian Beresford


Mr Peachum - John Watson
Mrs Peachum - Helen Watson White
Polly Peachum - Kirby Jane Hallum
Mr Lockit - Doug Leggett
Lucy Lockit - Kathryn Bethune
Captain Macheath - Vincent Wong
Beggar - Gordon Brough
Mrs Trapes - Mary Greet
Jenny Diver - Claire Hewitt
Molly Brazen - Kate Morris
Drawer/Jailor - Andrew Cook
Filch - Vincent Wong
Player - Brian Beresford
Chorus/Bar Wench - Casey Cowle
Chorus/Bar Wench - Miriam Rask
Chorus/Bar Wench - Sarah Carson
Chorus/Bar Wench - Amber Scott
Chorus/Highwayman - Andrew Body
Chorus/Crook-fingered Jac - Ben Hutchison
Chorus/Nimming Ned - Steve McNamara
Chorus/Matt of the Mint - Chris Summers


Accompanist - Brian Beresford
Set Design - Louise Petherbridge
Set Design/Construction - Andrew Cook
Set Construction - Neal Barber
Lighting Design & Operati - Kathy Creswell-Moorcock
Stage Management & Proper - Lauren Hourigan
Stage Management & Makeup - Sarah McCallion
Wardrobe - Roz McKechnie
Choreography & Hairstylis - Claire Hewitt
Poster Design - Brian Beresford
Photography - Reg Graham
Front of House - Murray Robertson
Front of House & Publicity - Rosemary Beresford