A Life in the Theatre

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The King is dead. Long live the King! The passage of knowledge and power from age to youth has been the stuff of theatre for centuries. In mamet’s version, the ‘King’ is a man of charm and stature, a doyen of the stage for whom the stage is his life. The other in this two-person play is a much younger man who is eager to learn all he can from his much admired mentor… …until the time that he recognises that he is now the top dog, the other a sad has-been. A voyage that is often hilarious but which brings sadness of losses that are the inevitable consequences of aging.

Cast and crew


Mark Neilson


Robert - Patrick Davies
John - Andrew Morrison


Stage Manager - Neal Barber
Lighting Design - Jeffrey Vaughan
Set Design and Constructi - Andrew Cook
Lighting Operation - Angus Dingwall
Sound Design - Renee Walker
Sound Operation - Lynsey Crowley
Wardrobe - Claire Hewitt
Wardrobe - Roz McKechnie
Publicity - Roslyn Nijenhuis
Photography - Reg Graham