Too True to be Good

Home / Too True to be Good

A petty crook and a chamber maid break into the sickroom of an ailing young aristocrat with the sole purpose of stealing a valuable piece of jewelry. Once inside the sickroom, however, the crook convinces his victim to sell the jewelry in question instead and come away with him and his comely accomplice to an exotic locale where they can live on love and whatever the necklace might net. Of course, once they\’ve made their escape, life gets in the way, and even though our threesome has conceived an elaborate ruse to throw the authorities off their track, they each find themselves pining for more — but before they can ask themselves just what it is they want more of, Shaw has told them and us in no uncertain terms.

Cast and crew


Rosalie Carey


Cast: - Simon O’Connor
Cast: - Helen O’Grady
Cast: - Peggy Durrant
Cast: - Juliet Kitto
Cast: - Sharman Orr
Cast: - Clive Bayliss
Cast: - Christopher Brayshaw
Cast: - Colin Durning
Cast: - David Reid
Cast: - Roy Stinton