
Home / Coriolanus

This play has inspired both fascists and communists in different decades of this century. It inspires me personally, because the hero is so much a creation of his society. It is a play for those of us who believed and maybe still believe that there is a world elsewhere, and yet see the worldas it is. It is a play for the observer who can tell when they are being lied to, or being told what to think.

Cast and crew


Alex Laube


Caius Martius - Julian Wilson
Volumnia - Marilyn Parker
Virgillia - Sarla Donovan
Menenius Agrippa - Michael Andrewes
Cominius - Brian Beresford
Sicinius Velutus - Julie Harris
Junius Brutus - Susanne Bolger
Valeria - Margaret Laube
Titus Lartius - Lyndon Hood
Young Martius - Angus Dingwall
First Roman Senator - John Dawson
Second Senator - Magda Sakowski
First Citizen/Roman Soldi - Chris Summers
Second Citizen/Roman Sold - Juliet Mann
Third Citizen/Roman Soldi - Katie Jefcoate
Messenger/Officer/Citizen - Erin Mercer
Aedile/Officer/Citizen/Ni - Maritza Linzey
First Roman Soldier - Edward Waite
Citizens - Chris Reid
Citizens - Robert McEwan
Citizens - Edward Waite
Citizens - Magda Sakowski
Citizens - Hugh Dingwall
Trumpeter and Drummer - Angus Dingwall
Tullus Aufidius - James Mitchell
First Volsce Lord/Coriole - Chris Reid
Second Volsce Lord/Coriol - Magda Sakowski
Volsce Lieutenant/Volsce - Robert McEwan
First Volsce Conspirator - Maritza Linzey
Second Volsce Conspirator - Juliet Mann
Volsce Soldiers (Fighters - Hugh Dingwall
Volsce Soldiers (Fighters - Nicholas Cable
Volsce Soldiers (Fighters - Maritza Linzey
Volsce Soldiers (Fighters - Chris Reid
Volsce Soldiers (Fighters - Robert McEwan
Volsce Soldiers (Fighters - Magda Sakowski


Production Assistants/Sta - Joy Hellyer
Production Assistants/Sta - Nicholas Cable
Set Construction Assisted - Susanne Bolger
Set Construction Assisted - Joy Hellyer
Set Construction Assisted - Maritza Linzey
Set Construction Assisted - James Mitchell
Set Construction Assisted - Julian Wilson
Lighting - Jim McCall
Publicity - Emma Jackson
Costume - Cathrine Waite
Costume - Jill Davidson
Costume - Renee Steele
Armour - Nicholas Cable
Armour - Alex Laube
Armour - Edward Waite
Armour - Maritza Linzey
Armour - Lyndon Hood
Armour - Julian Wilson
Armour - Chris Summers
Armour - Katie Jefcoate
Cast Coffee - Margaret Laube
Cast Coffee - Joy Hellyer