Hay Fever

Home / Hay Fever

The action of the play takes place in just one weekend, in the country in the home of what today might almost be called a dysfunctional family. Mother is a ‘resting’ actress, father a successful novelist, son a would-be artist and daughter a teenager who does nothing but knows it all. Each, unknown to the others, has invited a special “friend” to spend the weekend in their home. During the weekend, however, these alliances shift, precipitating the action to a conclusion that could be summarised as “the family that fights together stays together!”

Cast and crew


Louise Petherbridge


Sorel Bliss - Katherine Beresford
Simon Bliss - Kelvin Cummings
Clara - Mary Greet
Judith Bliss - Terry MacTavish
David Bliss - Brian Beresford
Sandy Tyrell - Nick Duval-Smith
Myra Arundel - Trish Wells
Richard Greatham - Geoff Lambourne
Jackie Coryton - Emily Duncan
Amy - Christine Hurst


Stage Manager - Kathryn Tall
Stage Crew - Amanda Vercoe
Stage Crew - Christine Hurst
Stage Crew - Jessica Little
Lighting/Sound - Scott Chalmers
Lighting/Sound - Lyndon Hood
Lighting/Sound - Christine Gibbs
Lighting/Sound - Don Knewstubb
Art Work - Andrew Cook
Set Design/Construction - Robert Aitken
Set Design/Construction - Brian Beresford
Set Design/Construction - John Campbell
Set Design/Construction - Daniel Brown
Set Design/Construction - Kelvin Cummings
Set Design/Construction - Harry Love
Set Design/Construction - Louise Petherbridge
Wardrobe - Charlotte Handley
Wardrobe - Alison Finigan
Wardrobe - Juliet Clark
Poster Design - Hayley Searle
Poster Design - Morehu Solomon
Publicity - Rosemary Beresford
Publicity - Lynne Keen
Properties - Ngaire Sprague
Properties - Andrew Cook
Front of House - Vivienne Aitken