Journey’s End

Home / Journey’s End

1929. Sherriff’s play about life in the trenches in the First World War. This powerful play endures in the tradition of great drama because until wars are at an end, the human race will continue to question what our reaction should be to the cycle of killing and being killed in the name of foreign policy. Sherriff’s play creates real characters, some of whom deal better than others with the stresses of warfare in the trenches, the close proximity of the enemy and the pointlessness and inevitability of dying.

Cast and crew


Brian Beresford


Captain Stanhope - Matthew Scadden
Lieutenant Osborne - Dale Neill
2nd Lieutenant Trotter - Keith Scott
2nd Lieutenant Hibbert - Reuben Hilder
2nd Lieutenant Raleigh - Andrew Brinsley-Pirie
The Colonel - Dean Alan Jones
The Company Sergeant-Major - Brook Bray
Private Mason - Oscar Macdonald
Captain Hardy - Warren Chambers
A Young German Soldier - Matt Foster
A Private - Miguel Nitis


Stage Manager - Christine Johnstone
Assistant Stage Manager - Miguel Nitis
LIghting & Sound - Brian Byas
Set Design - Brian Beresford
Set Construction - Ray Fleury
Set Construction - Don Knewstubb
Set Construction - David Holmes
Wardrobe - Nina Duke Howard
Photography - Riley Baker
Photography - Martin Swann
Poster - Ellie Swann
Poster - Martin Swann
Marketing - Ellie Swann
Marketing - Rosemary Beresford
Marketing - Keith Scott
Marketing - Dale Neill
Front of House - Ellie Swann
Front of House - Rosemary Beresford