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Strait is the Gate

Locally written, Mason’s intention in this work was to demonstrate the effect of the restrictive puritanical attitudes of the church on the burgeoning colonial society of early Otago.


The Merchant of Venice (1979)

Bassinio, a spendthrift Venetian, borrows a large sum of money fom Shylock, a Jew, (a moneylender, much abused by those who make use of him), to enable him to court a rich heiress, Portia, living in Belmont (bot far from Venice). He pursuades his friend Antoniom a rich merchant, to stand surety fro him, but...


China Dances and 3 Short

China Dances, published by John McIndoe Ltd and previously performed by Margaret Barr and New Theatre Group, Auckalnd, 1943. All I ask is my Legal Rights, set in a moto-camp in Coromandel; Set about with Lilies, set in the palace of King Solomon in Biblical times; and Squire Speaks, a radio play published by Caxton...


The Business of Good Government

The play shows a small kingdom under pressure from the Empire of Rome and Persia. Its well-meaning leader is overtaken by ‘events beyond his control.’ But then, even the wise men are puzzled…